Informative Articles and Independent, Unbiased Product Reports On Various Herpes Remedies

Herpes FAQ

Think you have herpes? Here are some of the most common questions asked about the disease.

Q: Can Herpes be cured?

A: Currently there is no known cure for Herpes. Once you are infected with the herpes virus it will stay forever in your system.

Q: What are the signs and symptoms of herpes?

A: Herpes is characterized by the red blisters around the infected area. These blisters are usually painful and can appear in and around the mouth or the genital area. There is also itching and a burning pain and some people experience much difficulty while urinating if swelling starts in the urethra.

Herpes breakouts are usually severe the first time. Some symptoms include fever or a flu-like feeling, headaches, body aches, chills and swollen lymph nodes.

Q: Who is most prone to herpes?

A: People who have unprotected sex are most susceptible to getting the disease. Even though the use of a condom minimizes the risk, it is still not a guarantee. People who have sex with multiple partners also carry a great risk in contracting genital herpes.

Q: Is oral herpes a Sexually Transmitted Disease?

A: Oral herpes is passed from kissing or through oral sex, so it is still considered an STD. These cold sores can be found inside or outside the mouth and only a brief contact with the infected area is needed to pass the virus.

Q: How is Chicken Pox different from Genital Herpes?

A: Chicken pox is caused by the Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) while Herpes is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). Although both are of the same "family", chicken pox outbreaks are usually found all over the body including the genitals where as genital herpes is concentrated on the genitals. Both diseases have very similar symptoms and are highly contagious, but they differ in the areas of infection.

Q: Can I get herpes from the toilet, sharing towels or soap?

A: Studies conducted by the CDC suggests otherwise. Their studies have shown that the virus cannot survive very long outside the body. So getting herpes from inanimate objects like those mentioned above is highly unlikely. However it is still prudent to wipe the toilet seat before sitting down.

Q: Why do symptoms return from time to time?

A: Outbreaks of herpes can appear from time to time and may vary in severity. This is because once the virus is transmitted, it stays permanently in the body. Most of the time it lays inactive in the body but certain triggers may cause an outbreak of the virus. There are many cases where it takes 30 years, or more, for the second breakout to happen from the time of the initial breakout.

Q: Can I transmit herpes even though I don't have the symptoms?

A: Yes, this is called asymptomatic viral shedding. Approximately 70% of the people who catch herpes get them from people who show no visible symptoms of the disease. And because symptoms are usually subtle, people do not notice that they are already carriers of the virus and unknowingly pass it on to their sexual partners.

Q: Would a pregnant woman already with herpes pass it on to her child?

A: A mother's unborn child getting herpes during pregnancy is certainly possible.  The chances are very, very low according to experts.  Studies in the US show that the total number of babies who acquire the virus through their mothers is only at 0.1%.  The risk of it being passed on to the child however goes high if the mother contracts the virus in the later part of her pregnancy.

Q: What should I do if I suspect that I have genital herpes?

A: Consult a health professional immediately. Ask for a type-specific blood test. The two FDA approved tests available are Herpes Select 1 & 2 and ELISA.